Cold and rainy today, had to punch a few people in the face because they don't know how to walk and hold an umbrella. I coulda lost an eye. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. The Porta Nigra was one of four gates to the city and the only one still standing. This was built by the Romans and does not have any mortar. Think about it.... incredible. They were also having the world's busiest Christmas market going on and it was packed like a 500 pound person in spandex. Add the umbrellas and you have bedlam.
Speaking of bedlam.... I did get to see it, it played on Armed Forces Network. If only the QB and RB weren't hurt and the best WR in the country didn't get hosed by the NCAA, and the refs didn't screw up, then oSu still would have gotten beat by OU's second team. BOOMER SOONER!!
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