Scott Kelby’s Third Annual Photo Walk

Saturday July 24th I was one of the 100 plus participants in the Oklahoma City Bricktown version of Scott Kelby’s Third Annual Photo Walk There was over 33,000 people in over 1100 locations.

The walk was organized by Robert Trawick and Chris Danner. My hats off to both of them for their time and effort they put into leading the walk. They were able to have four models available in different areas and also provided water at different points in the walk because it was HOT!

Somewhere in this photo is a Corvette but I've never been able to find it.
Robert is a professional photographer in Oklahoma City and you can view his work at this website I actually spent some of the walk with Chris Danner and he was giving expert advice to a novice photographer on her first outing. Very informative. More from Chris here:

Chuck Majors also had a walk in the area that started at the Civic Center but I did not participate in that one.

We met at CocoFlow  at 100 E. Main for a walk map and instructions. I was totally amazed at the number of people sporting such serious hardware. I would estimate there was easily a quarter of a million dollars worth of cameras and lens in that room at that particular moment. Safe to say I had camera envy.

The group was split pretty even male/female and a range of all ages. I would say I noticed more Nikon users (70%) over Canon users (25%). I saw one Holga and a few non DSLR’s.

A small group taking a break from the heat
We basically started near the Spaghetti Warehouse and proceeded east on Sheridan before turning south towards the canal. I’ve taken so many photos of Bricktown before and due to the harsh sunlight, I was very selective in my shot process (only 161 photos taken). I was looking for something a little bit different than the usual tourist grabs. It was pretty humorous anytime a water taxi came by. I can imagine what a tourist visiting the canal for the first time though about having 100 cameras focused on them during their ride.

Smile everyone!
The best part of the walk is getting to talk to fellow photographers. I got to meet two very impressive young photographers and get to know a little bit more about them. We exchanged information later and wow they do some incredible work.

First I spoke with Franklin Wheeler of Edmond, OK. We shared a little bit of our past experience and I found out he was starting to get more involved in wedding photography. We shared a laugh when I told my story of the last wedding I ever photographed. I told him I was glad the marriage ended in divorce because the photos I took were so bad I never did another wedding again.

Photography by Franklin
Well, Franklin shouldn’t have to worry about that. His business card alone will tell you he is immensely talented. Visit his work here: No doubt this photographer will have a very successful future.

Next I got to meet Bradi Wells. Bradi is young. But I learned a long time ago that age is not a factor when it comes to artistic talent. When I got to see Bradi’s work I was totally blown away.

Photo by Bradi Wells
She is an enormously gifted artist. I encourage you to visit her site. I look forward to see more from her in the future.

Over the course of two hours we looped our way back to the start. Dinner arrangements were made at the Spaghetti Warehouse but I chose to pass. It was too hot and I needed to go home and jump in the pool.

Next year I am thinking about heading to Tulsa to do the walk up there.

I’ll add a few photos I took in another post.

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